
It's not twins!

It's a big baby boy!!!


Anonymous said...

So exciting!! I need to get sewing blue stuff lol (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...


Congrats on the big boy. :)

Love ya all

Miss Pinky looks like a star.

BarnGoddess said...

woo hoo!!! congrats :)

Sweet and Salty said...

Very awesome!

Must be a big guy...

Bare said...

Yay!!! Congrats!!! *hugs and love*

Amber said...

Yay! Miss Pink is going to be a great big sister! :)

RedNeckGirl said...


Heather May said...


Boys are fun, fun, fun!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

OMGOSHHHH!!! Yeah, a sweet little boy. (I'm a little teary, sniff) Congratulations!
Smiles, Karen