What inspires you? What wakes you up at 3 a.m. in a cold sweat? What drives your passion? What makes you think that today could be the day that it all goes right...
I have been SO busy!!
Amber Mist

Amber Mist
17" necklace with glass beads and a stunning faceted pendant drop.
available NOW in my Etsy shop!
Not Anymore
I know I haven't posted in a few days, but this painting is why. I've had a lot of inner turmoil to deal with, accept and begin to overcome. Being self-confident hasn't been one of my strongest qualities, even though I make it seem like it is. That's partly what "Not Anymore" is about.
I purposefully made all kind of beautiful swirls and colors and then plopped a big ugly box on top of them. It's that box that has given me the most grief in my life. It's filled with everything ugly within me and around me. For every time my worth was based solely on my weight, or my beauty or my talent, it went in that box. Every negative word, every time I professed the children's rhyme of "Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words can never hurt me", and knew that physical wounds would heal, but the words did hurt me, I put it in that box.
Not anymore...
Just So You Didn't Think I Forgot About You...

A preview of a new painting! Whatever you think this painting is going to be, you're wrong. It's still in very early stages and I would love to get more done, but it's WAY past my bedtime and I don't want to wake up tomorrow thinking "what the hell did I paint that for?" I have plans and ideas for this and, so far, it's coming along just how I wanted it. I have a lot of things that I want to share: jewelry, photos and stories, but I'm just not up to it, not now.
So, if you're looking for jewelry, click on over to Amber who is creating the most wonderful pieces! Why she stopped, I have no idea. Seriously, I'm jealous of the Luminous earring she has.
If you're looking for fabu art and some bitchin' photography, go check out Heather. My raw and radiant best grrl friend. She is cranking out some really good art, you must go look.
And, if you're looking for something funny, really funny, check out the newest craze over at my brother's stop. Read about the scorpion, I swear, you will get in trouble for laughing loudly at work.
Check those out and maybe, just maybe, tomorrow I will have more to offer. Until then, be well...
Quick Post
Ghost Dancing

The Birthday Girl Has Left the Building...
Today is My 30th Birthday!
Yeah, the heading is right. I turned THIRTY today, and let me tell you, I haven't been happy about it. My husband asked me what my problem was, and simply put, I just didn't think I had accomplished enough by now.
Birthday Girl
by: Pinky!
Available only at www.etsy.com.
Happy Mother's Day

Here is the piece that I did for my mom for Mother's Day. It's actually a double strand necklace, but it looked so cool piled in a little coil, that I wanted to share this picture with you. Plus, the way I made it, it is easy to transform into a bracelet. It's a combination of amethyst, citrine, aquamarine chips and an assortment of glass beads. My mom is a very colorful lady, so I thought this would be something she would enjoy and wear with glee.
I want to wish every Mom a Happy Mother's Day. Being a mom is a special and wonderful thing. Moms have to hardest job in the world and are often under-appreciated for it. So to all the moms, whether through having a child of your own, adopting, or gaining children by marriage, here's to you. May this day be filled with love, joy and rememberance of all the amazing things you are.
My First Commissioned Piece!

I have sold several of my pieces of wearable art to the guys at work. This afternoon, one of them called me and asked if I would do a custom piece for his wife. We discussed a price range, he offered to pay me more than I asked, and I came home to whip this up.
I'm totally happy with this piece and I may consider making another one. It's simple yet elegant and trendy all in one. Plus I have gotten lots of time to hone my skills in packaging. Which I needed, badly...
So, here is the newest bracelet, aptly titled just for her.
Last day
New Piece!!

And the cheekbones! What I wouldn't give to have cheekbones like that. She was playing dress-up and I just had to take a picture of her. You know what? Looking at this picture reminds me how lucky I am. I don't need flowers or gifts for Mother's Day, I have her, and that is the best gift I could ever have.
Big Props to Baby Pinky!
HOLY CRAP!! I sold my first piece!!!
If Tree - Finished!!

If Tree - Work in Progress
Mother's Love
You know how a pearl is created?A piece of sand gets into an oyster's mouth and irritates the supple lining of it's shell. Over time, the oyster tries to remove the piece of sand by rolling it around in it's mouth. All the while, this tiny irritant is being molded and formed into a beautiful, yet imperfect, pearl.
Motherhood is not so different.Children can be trying and difficult. We work to mold them into something beautiful, just like pearls. Children aren't perfect either, but over time, mothers work to cultivate their children into wonderful and amazing humans that are truly a remarkable form of nature. Yes, they can be the irritant and yes they can be difficult, but when it's all said and done, you, all mothers all parents, have created something special.This bracelet was designed for my mother. I know that I have been that irritant in her life on many occasions. I know what inner turmoil I have caused her. But she never quit working to make me into someone special. I am special because she is special.This Mother's Day, and every day beyond that, remember what our moms, dads, grandparents, aunts and uncles have all experienced, gone through and put someone else through, to create this wonderful Human Race. We have all been the aggravation and because at least one person continued on the Path of Love, we have become the beautiful, yet imperfect, pearls of our universe.I love you, Mommy.
Get Reddy
Stupid, huh?
I did find out some useful information, though. I am, indeed, the only person that is testifying against her. All of the other cases have "withdrawn the complaint". The woman I used to work for has been getting threats about taking this to court. Comments like, "They can shield you while you're in court, but it's only a glass cage. You can't be protected in the real world." Um...okay. I also found out that the reason this is going to trial is because the defendant doesn't know there is a witness (me).
What's interesting in all of this, is that I should be legitimately nervous now, but I'm not. I'm not the least bit worried or concerned. I started thinking about all of it yesterday afternoon. I had to prepare myself to go to court, testify against someone I don't know, be sworn in the whole nine yards, and there is nothing in the world that I can do...except get ready. I can arm myself with the knowledge that what I am doing is the right thing to do. I can shield myself with the knowledge that I work for a Task Force and that I haven't heard any threats because I'm safe where I work. All I can do, all anyone can ever do, is get up, get ready and face what is ahead of them.
That's what I am doing today. Being in this moment and getting ready for the next.
I tried really hard to get out of this. REALLY HARD. But it seems as if I am the only one that picked this girl out of a lineup. How can that be? This girl and her cousin ripped off stores all of the area. I am the only, freaking one?? Oh, I feel pukey.
In lighter and better news, my online store is doing well. I have several new pieces of jewelry on Etsy.com that I haven't posted here, yet. Go by and check it out. They are a really great site for any and all things handmade. It's a great place to get ideas and to check out some really great art.
Okay, I'm off to court. I know that this too shall pass, but I think I might try to smoke a million cigarettes between here and the courthouse. ( I cam walk across the street and be at the court so I don't think I'll get to do that.) Wish me luck and I'll update this afternoon.