
Just So You Didn't Think I Forgot About You...

A preview of a new painting! Whatever you think this painting is going to be, you're wrong. It's still in very early stages and I would love to get more done, but it's WAY past my bedtime and I don't want to wake up tomorrow thinking "what the hell did I paint that for?" I have plans and ideas for this and, so far, it's coming along just how I wanted it. I have a lot of things that I want to share: jewelry, photos and stories, but I'm just not up to it, not now.

So, if you're looking for jewelry, click on over to Amber who is creating the most wonderful pieces! Why she stopped, I have no idea. Seriously, I'm jealous of the Luminous earring she has.

If you're looking for fabu art and some bitchin' photography, go check out Heather. My raw and radiant best grrl friend. She is cranking out some really good art, you must go look.

And, if you're looking for something funny, really funny, check out the newest craze over at my brother's stop. Read about the scorpion, I swear, you will get in trouble for laughing loudly at work.

Check those out and maybe, just maybe, tomorrow I will have more to offer. Until then, be well...


Anonymous said...

O M G I LOVE IT!! (so far) Swirls are my most favourite shape(?) and my god...the colours! Sweet!

I will make another pair of earrings and take photos to email to you. :) Trust me, they are easy to make and I'm sure you could do a better job than me. ;) I was just winging it...hehe.

Heather said...

Great Start! Love the movement...but that too is my favorite subject matter..flow, movement, growth, release...LOVE the colors! What's the medium?
Thanks for the shout out...love ya!

Cynthia said...

Nice work! I am digging your scrolling bar on the top of your blog. Very cool. One more gadget to get!!!

Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

I am glad that you found my blog. Beautiful work.