through the internet you need to go read Pavel's latest post. It's about a conversation that the had with a friend about the internet and how you can't meet real people through the computer. Pavel disagrees and that's one (of the many) reasons I think he is fabulous. So, please, go read, post your thoughts and prove to the friend that real friendships can develop through a computer screen.
Pinky, honored to be first. I did read Pavel's terrific post. I agree with him. Since I met you through Pavel, thought I would come and say glad that I have.
By the way, making decisions in your place is tough, but I'm leaning towards "Simply Stated" - how perfect is that?
G, I think that would be perfect! I love that necklace, it's so classic and just wonderful.
Thank you for coming by and for agreeing with him as well. I would also agree that I'm glad to have met you, too. Thanks, Pavel! And than you, g, for being a stunning human.
Oh! Well you know I have LOTS to say about that...I will check it out forsure. :)
Hey folks! Thanks for the plug, Pinky. Amber stopped by and left me a note saying she'd write about this at her place.
While we might not ever meet our cyber friends in person, I think that it is possible to have internet friends. Even my mom has made friends via the internet and has even met some of them in person. A lot of them were through shared interests.
You know I agree with Y'all and I've met some of the most interesting and funny people through the blogs.
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