
Something I miss

After I had my daughter, I got that giant surge of hormones that make new moms look fantastic even though we are tired as hell. My hair got a healthy dose of it and the color never looked better.

That's not a dye job folks, that is the real thing. My hair was nearly waist long and a stunning shade of red.

Now, it's strawberry-blond at best. With the blond being mostly gray. So, I think since I had such a good week last week, I'm going to treat myself to a trip to the hair salon, with this picture in tow.

What are some of the things you miss?


Anonymous said...

What a darling picture. That is so so nice...awwwww! And good for you for doing something nice for yourself. You MORE than deserve it. I hear you about the greys...I have quite a few myself, but the only one's I pluck out are the one's right where my hair parts...lol. The other ones can stay and once I have a bunch, the current not so lucky ones can stay too. I'd love to have all grey hair and get black or dark brown streaks. That would be cool!

I miss having crazy dyed hair and wearing lots of make-up. It doesn't fit in too well where I work and I guess I just kind of grew out of it...but man do I find it exciting to have bright red or pink hair!

I also miss Sunday morning brunch and our family smoke breaks at the kitchen table (before I quit) with my family...before my parents split up. The laughter...the endless cups of coffee or tea...the jokes and banter...never to have that again makes it very easy to miss!

G said...

Okay - that hair is to "dye" for. Beautiful! But your baby girl is beyond beautiful. Ooh I just want to hold her. Ain't it the truth about those hormones. Then there's the evil side of them - that's a topic for another day.

Just running through as I have to get to bed at a decent hour before we set sail in the am.

Good luck in the salon. Hey just head up north, Scissors will take good care of those tresses.

Thanks again for getting your beautiful things to me so quickly. They're awaiting travel.

Sweet and Salty said...

Pinky, I already know your girl was a darling, but you're beautiful.

Carrie said...

Blurr, I miss crazy dyed hair, too! And funky fingernail polish. I really miss that. The grey doesn't bother me too much, in fact, I would love for it to all go that way. It's just this in-between stage that's being annoying.

I understand about missing family things, that's always hard. I'm sorry for that but you have Robs and maybe you could start some new traditions. Hugs!

G! I thought you were already gone! I am so pleased that you liked your pieces! They got there SUPER fast and that makes me happy. Have fun and know you'll be missed!

Pavel: you made me blush :)

RedNeckGirl said...

Beautiful pic.....you all are both gorgeous and that hair is stunning!

I miss dying my hair funky colors but I'm like Blurr my office job prevents me from doing that now. I've kinda wanted to get a piercing but as long as I'm working in an office I know that can't happen. Growing up sucks...lol

Have fun at the Salon!

CindyCinlou said...

awww that is a great pic. Your hair is so pretty and your baby too.

Heather said...

just you, that's all I just miss you.

Bare said...

How beautiful! That is the color I want my hair, and yours is natural! You MORE than deserve a trip to the beauty salon!

Things I miss.... damn, I'd take up the entire page here, so we'll just leave it at that! :0)

Cynthia said...

I LOVE your hair, and yes, you're both beautiful!

I'm naturally very blond, but am really a red head underneath it all... : D

A few times in my life I have gone red and loved it! I felt powerful, no-body gave me S**T! As a blond, people sometimes talk R-E-A-L-L-Y slowly to make sure I understand! teehee.

Actually, I miss my svelt figure and am now really working hard at keeping mother nature at bay! Otherwise, I'm so happy where I am in my life!

Sweet and Salty said...

Cynthia, do people REALLY talk to you slowly because you're blond?
How awful! You must get really frustrated with people...

Orlando said...

There are two things I miss. Having long hair but I'm growing it back again and that fun and exciting time when my daughter was between the age of 6 months and about 2 years old. When they're still small and can't walk yet so you're always picking them up. Then they start learning how to talk and form sentences and they're first steps but then I think you know, there is still plenty to go.

~ good girl ~ said...

Hey Pinky,

Your hair your hair!! I want hair like that! Waahhhhhhhhhhhh!! It truly is gorgeous. The volume, the shine and the colour. Mine is wrecked by one colour job too many. *sigh*

I love red hair but I think you wld agree that red on an chinese girl with a deep tan just wldn't gel ;-)

Smooches for the baby xo