
Busy, Busy

I've been busier today than I thought I would be, so I haven't had time to post. I have a few things that I want to talk about, but I guess it will have to wait till another time. In the meantime, here is a new pair of earrings:

My cat, Roswell, making it difficult to type:

And my shoes. Why? Because I think they look cool.


Bare said...

That is a cute kitty! :0) I love the earrings, and the shoes, too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pinky!

What is it with cats?! Mine did the same thing; soon as I sat down, he would either nip my toes making it difficult to type away, or sit on the keyboard, making it impossible to type.

Love 'em shoes!

Anonymous said...

Pinky...love the earrings, checked out your shop awesome. My cat does the same, when ever I am at my desk she thinks it is her job to keep my from doing anything on the computer, except petting her :) love the shoes, I am a shoeaholic...don't even ask..:):) see ya...M

Carrie said...

Hello All!!

Roswell is actually a girl, she's all girl in fact and very proud of it. Stinky butt. She doesn't walk on the keyboard, but she loves to lay on my arm while I'm typing and then getting angry at me when I try to move. Typical.

Glad you guys like the earrings. They are a little more flashy than I normally do, but it felt right, so I went with it. I'm going to post them in a minute to my shop!

Shoes, oh such sweet lovely things. I had someone once ask me why I like shoes so much. The answer is simple: I can gain and lose weight, but I ALWAYS know what size shoe I wear!

Cynthia said...

Those shoes are made for walking girl!

Awwwweee, kitty is adorable!

LOVE the earrings! They have an exotic feel to them.

Carrie said...

I love those shoes but I don't get to wear them often because, well I can only take it so long in heels.

The earring were a new twist for me, but I like the way they came out. As for Roswell, she's a stinker but I love her!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Diggin' the earrings. Diggin' the Roswell. Diggin' the shoes. Diggin' the Pinky!!
Love, Karen