
New Item in My Shop

Here is the link for the newest item in my shop. It took some thought to decide if I was going to list this piece or not. But, I think that it's time to let it go. I hope that everyone is having a good weekend and I will see you all tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

Pinky..BRAVA, BRAVA..you are all those things and so much more as you will keep discovering now that you have let your spirit soar free from all that was holding you back. It is an amazing piece, it is blinding honesty mixed with strength and beauty...congrats on letting it go, and sharing it, you never know just who else it may motivate to gather the courage to do the same..but then you knew that, its't that what superheroes do..lead by example and lend strenght to others in need??...you go girl!!..luv ya .M

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is SOOOO mine. Sold! No thinking required.

The purety, the honesty, the strength of parting, the pure rawness of this piece is beyond wonderful.

I can't begin to tell you how much this piece means to me. From the first moment I saw it, I fell in complete love with it.

I've been waiting for you to put this up and now it will have a loving home here with me. I FULLY understand everything you say in regards to what lead to it's creation and I couldn't cherish this piece more than I already do.

I have been there, in that place so many times myself and I've learned as you have, to say no. It's a very difficult road, but one that I am greatful for, as it makes me who I am...someone I am proud of.

Love to you my friend Pinky on this beautiful Sunday evening! :) HUGS!

Carrie said...

Madd: Thank you for your honesty. I know this is a piece you weren't here for so I'm glad that you still got the meaning from it. HUGS!

Blurr: I emailed you all my thoughts on this, but I'll say it again. I just cannot imagine this going to someone more perfect. You feel it, too and that makes it special to both of us. Thank you for your continued support, friendship and love. Don't forget that you've got some badass napkin rings that I'll be getting soon!

Brian: You gotta watch out for Blurr, she's a quick one! I have another one in the works that you may like but you know how much I love commissioned pieces! :)

X said...

I can't see it :( Something about technical difficulties! Oh vell...I'm sure it's spank-tastic! Hope your weekend was awesome!

Anonymous said...

Very Nice Pinky! By the time I clicked on the link, the painting was already gone! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am a fast one alright, sorry about that Brian. ;)

I've been waiting for Pinky to sell some of her canvas art and this one is a very special piece to me personally, so it literally took a split second for me to read her post and immediately head to her shop and click the "Buy" button!

Carrie said...

Left field: you can't see it because Blurr already bought it!

Cynthia: It's the first canvas I have sold and I'm pretty excited about it!

Blurr: I know you aren't in the least bit sorry! :) Baby Pinky is making you a present so it will ship out when she's done! YAY!!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! Presents for ME?! From Baby Pinky?! Yippee skippee!

Thank you, thank you! I've been trying to decide on a bday gift to send out to her AND I've been holding on to a little something for you too. I will have to get that orgazined soon! :)

Carrie said...

SHe just finished it tonight and WOW is it pretty! OH! I can't wait for you to get your stuff!