
Finished, but I don't have a name for it yet

I finished my painting this morning and I wanted to show it off. I really like the way it turned out, especially the way it looks like the rain is bleeding. I'm feeling a TON better today, almost normal. I still can't do sprints in the yard, but then again, I couldn't do that before! HA! Hope that everyone is having a good day and I will stop by at all you houses later! HUGS! ~ Pinky!


Anonymous said...

I love the painting...so emotional! I understand the depression.....so very well and the wanting to be alone but then getting worse because you are alone....oh honey...i do that too. Glad no endo....hopefully you will get more good news! Hugs and Love to you!!

Anonymous said...

great work, you should be proud! This turned out very well.
Glad that you are on the mend,

Anonymous said...


What a great, hopefull painting. I can see the future is looking up for you. :)

Love you.

Carrie said...

Thanks everyone. I really needed to do something creative and I am really happy with how it turned out. I'm glad you all like it and I'm glad that I'm getting better. I did too much this morning, so I've been out of it this afternoon, but that's better than nothing!!

madd said...

(((Pinky))) hey sweetie, wonderful picture..yup got youself kid in the butt..:) did a little too much..I know it's reall hard not to..but you will have to , just a little while more..I am just so glad you are doing well..take care ..m

Tracy said...

WOW! Great Painting!! Talk about Surrealism at its best!!... You have an awesome talent. The painting spoke volumes. When I saw it I just wanted to stare at it, and so many feelings came to me. That is the work of a true artist.

I am very glad you are feeling better. Soon you will be able to do those sprints.... although like you I am not sure I could do sprints even at my healthiest.
Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I look at this amazimg work of art and it screams "Meteor Shower" to me for some reason. Looks very cool :)

julatkinson said...

the painting is fantastic! i'm really happy that you're healing well. we love ya and are thinking of you.


(and happy belated b-day mr. pinky.)

ann said...

just read your previous post too... glad it's not that ghastly endomitri thingy... but I sympathise with the surgery. I'm terrible with anaesthesia and I also had to go through tons of gyni ops until the day I had to lose my womanhood completely... from that day healthwise there was no looking back, but it meant no more babies :>(

your painting is beautiful... a new turning point for you too hopefully.

lotsa luv ann xxxx

Anonymous said...

Beatiful painting!!!! i really like the colors;)

Carrie said...

MADD! Yep, I did too much. But that's how I am, a little stubborn sometimes!

Mysti: I'm SO glad you like the painting. And I'm even more excited that you felt all of that! HUGs!

MT, that's what I thought in a lot of ways. Brian thought it looked like Swedish Fish, so I might call it "Meteor Fish".

JULIE!! Hey dear friend!!! How have you been! We miss you guys SOOO much. Maybe another weekend in the mountains is in order?

Ann, I thought I was the only one that got sick with anethesia! I'm sorry to hear about all your surgeries, but you seem to have adjusted well. Come visit more often!

Wolfbaby! THANK YOU!!! I can't wait to see the finished castle painting!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Your picture is so shocking Pinky...I had a little shiver when I first saw it. I love the movement, the swirling green depths and the hot, streaking blood-red rain, whew...another shiver! Wow! Awesome! With all that IN you...I'm glad you got it OUT! LOL