The picture above is a work in progress. I had to do something today. Sitting around the house all day leads to depression, which leads to crying and telling Mr. Pinky to go away, then crying even more when he goes away, which leads to more depression because I told him to go away, do you see the pattern? I had to do something and my eyesight hasn't adjusted from the anesthesia yet so I didn't think trying to bead was a good idea. Painting worked and I'm feeling a lot better.
Well I have good, if not surprising, news. I do not have endometriosis. Not one little patch of it. Nope, endo free. Can you believe it? Neither could I! Which, is really good news, but it does make me wonder what is wrong with me. I know, I know, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I go back to the doctor on Monday, so I'll get more info then. But, the surgery hurt like hell, so I have been slow recouperating. I have large bruises on each hand. One on my right where they tried to put an I.V in and one on my left where they actually got the I.V. to go in. Not fun for me!! I've got a few more holes poked in my belly and I discovered that sneezing does indeed move stomach muscles. However, the anesthesia guy worked wonders in making sure I didn't get sick. Usually I puke my head off after surgery and this is the only one that I didn't do that! He must of had good drugs because I don't remember Monday or Tuesday very well.
I've been thinking of everyone and Mr. Pinky has been reading your comments to me, which has been a bright light for me. I cannot thank you all enough. It really has helped me in my recovery and even though I know I shouldn't have been blog hopping, I just missed everyone so bad! I've still got a few more days of kicking back, but I did want to post and let everyone know what was going on. Thank you for everything!!
((((((((((BIG HUGS ))))))))))
Oh, Pinky. I'm so glad to read a lengthy post from you and see that your creativity is is up and running again.
I'm glad you have a good man looking after you right now. Hope your beautiful little one is doing well and is gentle on her mom. Also, hope that Mr. Pinky is holding up well. I know he didn't have the operation, but I'm sure this is hard on him on many levels, not the least is seeing his wife hurting.
Hang in there and I'll pray for a speedy recovery for you.
I'll email soon.
I have to chuckle at the thought of you doing work when you are supposed to be resting. It's ok to take a break, and just sleep and take it easy. :)
That's the thing about having a hubby who loves you, he understands all of your needs.
(((big hugs))) back at ya!
Glad you're doing OK. x
((((Pinky))))..that was the best hug I have had in a long time..I'm so glad that you are feeling better and better each day, don't over do..and your Hubby sounds so sweet... be keep resting and heal and big hugs for you (((pinky)))..m
You are in my thoughts and I'm hoping you feel better very soon :)
well I'm glad to see that the anastesia guy was good to you!!!... thos surgeries suck but it's way cool that you didn't have any endometreosis!!!
WOOT!!! Congrats on the good news Pinky! Really, that IS good news!
I know what you mean though. I had the exact thing happen to me with my neck surgery. It's almost sort of a let down in a way because then you really start to wonder what the HELL those symptoms are. It can be very aggravating. ;)
Beautiful work my Friend. Looks like it was a wonderful release for you. Beautiful movement in this. :)
So glad to see you back up and at it AND that I'm able to comment! Thursday and Friday with no internet almost KILLED me! Hahahaha. :P
I am BACK and loving it! Can't wait to talk with you more. Loves!
Oh what a relief!! Yeah!!! It is totally understandable that you are a little moody and emotionally unstable right now, that was a big deal that you went through! I'm glad that you are working on some art, that will settle you down and help stabilize the emotions...put it on the paper, baby! lol Remember that you are still recovering and don't do too much!
Hugs, Karen
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