
The Road Less Traveled

After I dropped my daughter off for school this morning, I did something different. I didn't take the left that would take me home, I drove straight ahead. I was questioning what I was doing, but I felt a pull to just drive. I love driving, the freedom of it. Darting down roads that are familiar and cruising down ones that are new. I knew the road I was headed to and as soon as I became aware of what lay ahead, I needed to be on that road.

A death trap of gravel and mud with twist and turn and one terribly old and small bridge smack dab in the middle of the run. I longed for it, to see the plumes of dust unfurl behind the car. To hear the droning sound of rubber careening over rock. To feel that pang of guilt because I was in the Jeep and not my ratty Camry, knowing that my husband would be a tad angry, with a touch of admiration, that his wife could maneuver such a winding and dangerous road with finesse.

I wanted to drive fast down it, like I always do. Too fast. Feel that drop between pavement and gravel that always jarred my teeth just a bit. Approach that old metal bridge with child-like glee in my heart because I know if you go over it too fast, your car will leave the ground for just a moment. In that moment, you feel nothing. Not one thing but perhaps freedom. Then when you land, your stomach takes a second to catch back up to the rest of you and it is glorious.

I know the deep curve where the gravel is thick. I know the dips where the mud can grab you like a monster in the night. I wanted to feel the Jeep swing and curve beneath me. I wanted to settle down that road with abandon and maybe, just maybe, leave some worry with the trailing dust behind me.

But the road is gone. Oh, it's still there, in a matter of ways, but it has been paved. There is no more gravel, no more mud and dust. No more freedom flight over the bridge. When I came to the end of the road, I took the left and headed home.


Anonymous said...

(((Pinky)))..I am feeling you so much..the road is still there, you wrote it so alive I was in the car with you, I grew up with those kinds of roads..even had a field car, where I learned to drive a stick, and there is nothing like that feeling of being on the edge of just this side of out of control and then flying....such breath taking freedom, if only for a momeent, it is worth it to the soul..love ya m..I'm sending you mail..

Anonymous said...

Beautifuly written...that just sucked me in and I'm supposed to be working. Bad Pinky! LOL! ;)

I can't WAIT until you write some short stories and maybe, just maybe, someday, a novel. Oh boy, I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Great writing! I loved the story, and I know that road...do I know that road. Great metaphor for our lives...really.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the road trip this morning! What a thrill ride.

Remember my friend, always remember who we all are. We are your friends, we are your fellow travelers. You are not alone, you have us. Always us.

Carrie said...

Thank you. I'm feeling too much to say more.

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully written pink....it's amazing. You captured us from the first line! Yet another in your long line of talents! Have a Wondermus weekend!

Anonymous said...

wow!!! That was very exciting! Thank you for the visual journey. Trust me, you describe it (and your excitement) so well, it was visual.

Kind of reminded me of this great Rush song called "Red Barchetta."

Anonymous said...

I can totally feel you on this. Wonderfully written and also so familiar at the same time.

Many times have I taken the road less travelled while driving, and after meeting a certain someone special, I've been inspired to take that road in life decisions too. It really is an amazing thing.