
Day by Day

Thank you for all the love, strength and thoughts that you all have sent me and my family. I appreciate it more than you could know. Even though I haven't been posting or commenting much, I come by to see everyone and I read the wonderful and encouraging words that you all have written. Today is going to be a long one and I'm glad that you all are here.

I've tried to get back into routines of sorts. I've been working at the other house, making jewelry for presents, wrapping all the presents for my friends and family and getting ready for holiday festivities. To say that I'm burning the candle at both ends would be an understatement. I fell asleep last night with the light on. I remember thinking that I needed to turn it off and then my alarm was blaring at me. I guess I'm more tired that I thought!

Here's a picture of Baby Pinky looking super cool, just for kicks. The wristlets were her own doing and puh-leeze, pay no attention to all the random crap in my kitchen. It's been coat, present and painting central for a few weeks, now. The fridge, well it always looks like that! What?? I'm a Momma through and through, so my fridge has to be covered in the latest and greatest art by my daughter! :)

Well, I have to get dressed and get to work. Hubby is off work for the holiday so he has been so wonderful to take Baby to school for me. He knows I'm slow in the morning. My love to you all. ~Pinky!


BarnGoddess_01 said...

glad your back :)

your daughter is lovely!

I am tired of housework.....I was thinking about going on strike.

Anonymous said...


Love the pic of Baby Pinky looking so stylish. Takes after her mother. :)

Routine is good, so is sleep, so is love. As you receive as much love as you put out... err, I mean you put out love. In a good way. :)

Yep, we are here, stalking you, I mean supporting you.

Being silly I know, but I love you and care for you and just wish I could hug you.

Talk to you soon. (((((HUGZ))))

FelineFrisky said...

Pinky, love!

Glad our thoughts and words have helped. We long for your ceherful sparkle!

Baby Pinky is just SU cool!

And Mr. Pinky is a sweetie! Doing the early route for you, no coal in HIS stocking!

Relax a bit, sit back and let it all fall away for 24 hours. Unfortunately, it won;t disappear. But you could use the giatus!

Love you much! D :)

Carrie said...

BG! I am sick up to my husband's neck with housework! And he's 9 inches taller than me! STRIKE!!!

((B)) Snazzy little bugger, isn't she. Sleep, who needs that. I'll just close...yawn... my eyes...I'll ..be... zzzzzzzzzzzz

Wha-? OH! Hey Diane! Thank you my dear and I think my resting time will come soon. HUGS!!!

Anonymous said...

(((Pinky)))...I am glad you are feeling all our support..try and rest my friend, you do not want to get sick..all my love ..m

Carrie said...

((MADD)) I went to bed at a better hour last night after a loooooong hot shower and I feel better this morning. How are you?? HUGS!!!

Anonymous said...

Pinky, you're as good as they come. Of COURSE you're going to have strength, love and support. (smile)

Baby Pinky is stylish and beautiful! The fridge? I know what you mean. I've been living in this new place 3 months and I something have to poke around for the door handle so that I can open the fridge! You've got a talented and artsy kid. Gosh, I wonder where she got THAT from?

Anonymous said...

Hey, you haven't posted anything new so I'll have to use this post to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Miss you...