
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!!

We have presents under the tree, lights outside and some of the stockings are already filled. Then why do I feel so melancholy? Is it because the holidays always seem to pull me in a million different directions? That could be it. I'm not sure, but I've had to work real hard to get into the spirit this year. Some of it could be that I've been working on House #2 so much the past week. This week is just as packed with house work. In fact, all the work that we did on Friday has to be scraped off tomorrow. In case you were wondering, no I am NOT happy about that. Apparently all the trim was painted with oil base. Well, you can't put water base over that and expect it to stay. So, we start again tomorrow. sigh...

I have ideas for jewelry but I feel so tired that I don't want to sit down and try to finish anything. My brain is going too fast and the designs are all cryptic. I think I need a vacation. heh.

Well, I'm going to take the camera tomorrow so you can see the progress. It's coming along, just slowly and we still have a lot to do. Maybe I'll get to move in there by March! HA! Sorry to post such a crappy crap blog today, but I guess I needed to get it out. ~pinky

Before shots


Mrs.Kwitty said...

Merry Christmas Pinky!! It's ok--we all have "crappy crap" days now and then, lol. That is really frustrating when you work so hard and then have to go back and redo everything-what a drag! We live in a 105 year old house and it is in a constant state of redoing something. Don't let the holidays stress you out. You can only do so much and the people in your life want YOU, relaxed and happy. Have a great Christmas with your lovely family and enjoy every minute of it.
Smiles, Karen

Anonymous said...

You're a busy lady :) My to do list is very long but I'm getting there and it sounds like you are too even if it doesn't feel like it. Have a wonderful Christmas with your lovely hubby and little angel. x

Anonymous said...

We moved into our house over a year ago after renovating it...I still have painting to do (not to mention landscaping...and there's not one single curtain in our house, just blinds)...it just never ends!

It's okay to take a break now and again...because you have so much other stuff going on right now.

I did a holiday blitz on Saturday and Sunday and can fully appreciate your sentiments! It is exhausting!

I hope you and your family have a good Christmas!