Some of you know that I've been a little under the weather lately. Well, I swear I think I'm getting better during the day and then as soon as I try to go to sleep, WHAM! I feel like I'm drowning in boogers and coughing. I know that's nasty, but it's true!! I'm even getting into a morning routine: get up, feel the snot start running, blow my nose for twenty minutes, have a hacking coughing fit, brush my teeth and go downstairs. For most of the day I feel fine so I'm getting really tired of being ill.
Onto other not so nasty news....
I've been watching a lot of movies lately so that's been on my mind. We went to the movies and saw Rocky Balboa and I highly suggest seeing it. It's a trip through the years and ends like it should, not with the turd that Rocky V was. Sorry, but it's true. Also, Lady in the Water is a MUST see!! They make it seem like it's all scary, but it's not. It's a wonderful story and well, I just loved it. I've also seen American Psycho ( I know, I'm behind on movies) and Pulse. Both were neat, but neither one was really scary. AS was a little in the gory department, but it's cool to see such a hottie like Christian Bale turn into a psychopath. He's very good at it...
I have managed to finish one piece of jewelry that wasn't for a present! YAY!!!!! I have to take some pictures of it and I'm trying to figure out how to finish working in the other house, manage my jewelry business, rear my daughter, take care of the house I live in now and not go absolutely insane. Or, end up sick again. ahem. Ahhhhh, the balance of adulthood. Whatever I figure out, I have to make more time for me to chill out. I've been pushing myself too hard. Even when I don't feel well, I push myself too hard. I cleaned out my car the other day! Even the trunk and I can tell you that hasn't been done in years! Should I have been out there in the cold, damp air cleaning out my car? Well, of course not! But I did because it needed to get done. I didn't go to bed utill midnight last night because I was trying to clean up in the house.
I know, I've got to slow down but sometimes, I don't feel like I do enough. In fact, I never feel like I do enough. I always think something hasn't gotten done and that I've not accomplished enough because of it. I suppose part of it is because I'm trying to be this Super Housewife when I have never been that before. I always cleaned what I could around working and being a single mom. I guess that now that I'm not "working" I have to have a Martha Stewart home and be perfect all the time and that's just not me. Hell, I don't even like Martha Stewart!! I dunno but I'll figure it out sooner or later. If any of you have tips, pass them on. Hope all is well and my love to you all. ~Pinky!
Just coming over from D's log ...Sorry to see/hear you're under the FUNK. I'm a teacher and the flu is going around here. AMEN I got a flu shot before Christmas. Benadryl will help ya sleep.
How about a HOT naked man coming to clean your house rather than a Martha stewart influence...(Sorry it was a much better visual for me) and I HATE Martha. She just works my nerves, as does this new obsession with Rachel Ray. Her voice grates on me.
I may check out the LAdy in Water film. I like thrillers but not BLOOD and GUTS horror.
Hope you feel better soon.
Hey Rebecca! Thanks for stopping by, it's always nice to have new visitors. And thanks for the sleeping tip, I need that!!
HOT naked man, WOO! Girl you are right about that! My hubby is hot, but I don't think he would ever clean the house! HA!! Yeah, I really hate ol Martha, I think she's an obnoxious witch.
Please do check out Lady in the Water, it's really cool and it's one of the few movies I've rented that I really want to own.
Stop by anytime!!
Man, I feel like I've just read what's been going on in my brain the past few days.
I'm so tired of thinking of everything that needs to get done that I'm even having a hard time thinking of anything to say to anyone.
I hope you are feeling 100% again soon Pinky. I'm not going to bother telling you to take it easy because I know we are very alike in that sense and I just can't seem to take it easy myself. I always feel lazy, like I can never get enough done to be able to allow myself to relax. Hmmm...wonder where THAT comes from?! Lol. ;)
Anyway, hugs and take care!! Amber
Hey you, hope you're feeling better soon. Don't even think about Martha Stewart- I really don't think *real* people live that way and I bet you're doing a great job even while being ill.
First, feel better fast! Good old fashioned Vicks for the nose at night. Sudafed for nasal congestion, aspirin for aches and lots of liquids.
Now, as to the Martha Stewart Syndrome. There IS a cure. You must set a schedule, like me. M-F I clean a different area of the house. Monday is bathroom day, I do the dishes if need be and wash if it is at least a load. When I finish, I'm done - I worry about dinner.
Each day is different depending on dthe need in each room. You could have Mr Pinky pick up some slack, too. Being a housewife is a 24/7 job. You get no time off, usually. Put Little Pinky to work, too. Give her responsibilities she can handle, pick up her toys, put her dirty clothes INTO the hamper, tidy the livingroom - ie, newspapers, magazines, trash bucket.
Don't do more than one days work! You'll screw up the flow! Take time for yourself, to heal. Pushing only drains your resources. Your body heals while you slepp, get lots of it, take naps until you feel better.
Ahme, I think I am done now. I feel MUCH better already! LOL Take care of you first. D :)
Oh and warm liquids will help the chest congestion and coughing. Make sure you cough up any flem. If you can't loosen it - see a DR! Don't need you down with bronchitis and/or pneumonia!
I dont like Martha Stewert either!
I hope you feel better soon.
We think, or maybe this is a Pinky clone. After all, has anyone talked to her lately?
Slow down girl, relax and smell the flowers. *Achoo* Bless you.
I'd say more, but Diane said it all.
Thank you , thank you for the present. I love the color and the patterns.
Love you girlfriend
Goodness! I lay down to take a nap and there are all sorts of comments!
Amber, somehow I knew you would know what I was talking about. We seem to go through the same emotional things at the same time. Scroll down and read what Diane wrote, I think that might help. HUGS!
Christine! I agree with you about Martha not being real. A friend was over not too long ago and she was commenting on how put together my house looked. It may not be as bad as I think it is! Hugs and How are you?
Diane, to hell with Martha Stweart, you need your own show!! WOW! I promptly told Mr. Pinky about the room a day thing and he said that sounded like a good idea. I agree, pitching in would help me out a lot. Baby Pinky does pretty well, she's in charge of her room and it looks really good. I took a nap earlier so I'm trying to rest my body so that I can be back full speed soon. Thank you! HUGS!
BG, seems we are all in agreement with the KMart Queen. YOU feel better, too!!
(((BRIAN))) Silly, you know I'm alive, I just talked to you yesterday. Although I did sound a little funny. Plus, if I was going to have a clone, she would have a kickin body! WOO!! HUGS and smushes!
((Rose)) Hello dear! OH! I'm so glad that you liked your gift. The colors just seemed right for you and I thought it, well it just seemed right. I've been by your house lately and I have some comments to leave, I just haven't gotten to it yet. Just know you are in my thoughts. Love and HUGS!!!!
Pinky: hi sweetheart... I arrived and came back from Israel like that... but I put it down to the airconditioning on the airplane.
As for housework... I used to be a perfectionist and everything had to be perfect typa wife... and I worked. My marital home was spotless, perfect dinners, perfect flowers; I wanted only the best for my man.
Since I still wasn't good enough and got duly dumped, I am not the same person and realise tomorrow is another day and I refuse to kill myself over the house. However I do have a car valet guy who comes to clean it every fortnight, but my ex still pays for it, so who am I to argue with that.
Try to chill out, loosen up, that crumb will still be on the floor tomorrow and if you're lucky the cat will get to it before the vacuum cleaner.
I wish you better sweetheart
lotsa luv ann xxxx
PINKY!! glad your up and around feeing a bit better..don't over do..and to hell with you or anyone else for that matter, think she is running around doing all the things you see in her show or magazine??? well She doesn't..!! She has an amazing army of behind the scenes gay 'artists, cooks, decorators etc etc' doing it all for her except the final touch..! and then act all smug and superior towards the rest of us with her wasn't that easy line..puke me, thank you very much!! ok I'll stop my mini rant hope you feel completely better soon my you, M
Wish I had some suggestions for you, hope you get to feelin better soon!! Can't wait to see pics of the new piece. Take care.
Hey girlie.....I think it's the time of year to feel like this.....but my suggestion and what I am currently working on....getting organized and deciding what is priority....there are lots of things that I want to get done in a day.....but now I'm moving the things that HAVE to be done to the front....that way I'm not up til' the wee hours of the morn' doing the crap that I should have done first.
I hope you feel better soon....I hate winter and all it's illness....yuck!
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