
Happy Birthday, Gorjus

Here it is, another year. How did it go by so quickly? How did they all go by quickly? It seems that just the other day you were convincing me to eat mud pies and I happily obliged. Since we lived in an area with no kids, it was just you and I. Endless days filled with adventure and imagination. Walking to and from school, riding bikes, playing in the storm drains, and eating pecans and muscadines until we were ill. But, that has been a long time ago, even though it doesn't feel like it.

You're an attorney and sometimes that just weirds me out. I mean, it's not like I don't think it's right for you, but it just seems so grown up. Heh. I'm just proud of you and what you have become. You have come a long way from being someone I got into fist fights over, even though you know I'd do it all again.

What I'm trying to say here is that I love you, all of you. All the facets, the good parts and the flaws. You're my big brother and I don't think that I could have created a better one. You blessed me with stories, imaginary worlds and belief in myself and what I could do. You argued with me to make me think, not to piss me off. You gave me books that required me to have a dictionary close at hand. You gave me music, oh, the music that you gave me. You gave me a persona that lives with me today. You gave me all these things and so much more and I am a better woman for it.

Take one man, add thirty-two years and what do you get? Love, Law, and Rock-n-Roll.


Meow Meow said...

This is so sweet so sentimental.
I hope you cherish each moment of it for all us single gals....

Meow Meow said...

I don't have a brother and think if I did, he could fill some of the viods...even growing up...HE beat up people you wanted him too...he'd make you stronger by making you mad.

Bare said...

How precious! Very heartfelt, and sentimental-- what a wonderful post :0)

Carrie said...

Thank you guys! I hope he had a good day. We're only 15 months apart, but he says I'm older because I have a daughter! HA! I think he may be right!

Pange said...

This is really really sweet. *hearts* Adorable!

Polly said...

you know, we all cried over here...just thinking about how creakily old he is now! *sob*

Carrie said...

Hey Thought Bubble! Thank you! He's cranky, but I love him. :)

Polly!! OMG! You commented on my blog!! Of course it's been a while since I've commented on yours. I'm not sure how creaky he can be since you are, ahem, older than he is. ;)