
New Work!

I'm going to be listing these right now!! Go look!


Jared May said...

Looks good :)

Carrie said...

Thanks, Jared! I'm trying to get some more jewelry in my shop, I've got two more pieces that I need to photograph, but I'll get around to that tomorrow!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Ooh! Very pretty! When in the heck do you find time to make jewelry? lol
Smiles, karen

Carrie said...

HA! Karen, I don't! In fact, I was telling hubby earlier how much I missed making jewelry!! I'm trying to carve out more time for it, but that cuts into sleeping and eating, both of which I neglect horribly.

Bare said...

VERY pretty! Wish I wasn't *still* broke!

Anonymous said...

I like the hooks on the heart earrings...very interesting, different and creative. They look very professional and sleek! Great job Pinky! :)

Good Morning and I hope you and your family have a fantabulous weekend!

Anonymous said...

OH! And I forgot to comment on the pictures. I really like the sunlight in there, it really adds warmth and luminosity to the images. I think you've got it down pat now! :)

Carrie said...

HI Christy! Girl, I understand that feeling! But things are finally looking up for you guys! HUGS

Hi Amber! I really like doing ear wires like that, they just look, well like you said, sleek. I have another pair that I'm going to take shots of later that are the same design, but with lime green and hot pink! WOW~!

I hope you are having a good morning, too! I stayed up too late, but I've got things to do, so here I am! HUGS!!

ann said...

ooooooooooh I like those earrings....