

Tomorrow marks three weeks since I have had a cigarette. Three whole weeks. I'm really frigging proud of myself.

Keep your fingers crossed, I'm trying to stay this way.



Anonymous said...

Well done! :)

Carrie said...

(takes a bow) THANK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!!! Pinky!!!!!

Keep it up. :)

Sweet and Salty said...

Awesome! It must be hard so I'm very proud of you. You go, girl!!!

BarnGoddess said...

You CAN do it!!!
I quit twice, so far Ive been smoke free since I was first preggers w/ Wee One. He just turned four.

Carrie said...

Thank you all so much for the encouragement! So far, I've made it through the GIANT Holiday Open House that the WHOLE town does, one employee leaving and trying to run a business while being sick all week. If I can handle all that, I think I'm in the clear.

Amber said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That's awesome GRRL...congrats!!

Cynthia said...

Congratulations that's a very difficult thing to do!