okay, everyone knows that i live in the south, and as such, we are not adapted for the cold! we are made to handle humidity and rain and lots of hot, hot, hot...so when i went outside this morning to warm my car, i nearly died from the cold reaching into my body to freeze my blood and turn my bones into icicles. it is still 32 degrees outside and it's 9:30 in the morning. that is just wrong.
however, all my cold weather bitchery has an upside. it looked awesome outside!! everything was all freezy and white. the windshield of my car had cool ice patterns all over it. and the yard was crunchy!!! the poor frisbee that had been tossed in the yard just this past weekend, lay stuck to the grass with ice crusting over it's upturned belly. absolutely amazing. so, yes, the weather does affect my bones but it is so pretty doing it, i really don't care. happy freezy day.