
Quick Post

How Does Your Garden Grow?

oil pastels

This is my FIRST attempt at oil pastels, so please, don't judge harshly. I had an emotional two days and needed to get some of it out through art. I'll post more later, but right now, I have to go to bed. So glad to be home...


Heather said...

Hey, I think it's great. I see the trouble on your mind with the missing flowers on the vines, I see you are hurting, I see you are scared. I love you.
You are brave to expose and share your process...keep going, don't stop.
Love, Heather

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you Pinky! If you need anything, just give me a hollar. :)

Cynthia said...

I really like your experimentation with oil pastels! I think art has the ability to heal. I almost went into art therapy.

Thanks for visiting today and for your comments...now if I could only find the web ring code, I will be set...do you have it?

übercherry said...

got your message on my blog and via etsy and i sent you a convo back. i think this new art piece is great! my mom just started to experiment with painting and people who can draw and paint and sculpt just boggle my mind. my hands just don't know how to translate images like that. they can certainly do it through knitting and cut n' paste, but not those other forms of art...{{le sigh}} ;)

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.