

I have this new and terrible habit: I'm not eating. I know it's bad, but it isn't on purpose. I'm still adjusting to this "my time" thing and I will make lunch for my daughter, but somehow I usually miss it. My body is no help, my belly never growls. So by the time the nausea, shakes and dizzy spells hit me, I'm ready to drop. My husband tries to placate this recurring scene by asking me what he can get me, "food" is all I say because at that point, I don't care what I eat, I just need to eat. Then my body revolts against me again by making me feel like I'm going to puke because I ate! My tummy becomes distended and makes me look like this:

I'm trying to remember the most basic of things but it's more difficult than I think it should be. At least no one has to worry about me being anorexic, I'd pass out before I actually lost weight!


Anonymous said...

Listen Pinky...I REALLY don't want to have to ride my bike from Burlington, Ontario, Canada, to Starkville, Mississippi, USA because I can't afford a plane trip to come down there and take care of you. I really don't.

But if you don't start taking better care of yourself, I will be left with no other choice.

And I don't even know if my old bike would make it. I'll have to carry my old school roller skates over my shoulder just in case my bike dies on me half way there. Then I'd have to roller skate the rest of the way. You wouldn't want THAT now would you?!

I think you should use that kitchen timer of yours to remind yourself when to eat. ;) I know you're getting used to your new lifestyle and everything, but if you don't eat properly, you won't HAVE a lifestyle to lead.

Oh ya I'm steaming! LOL. Now, I want you to remove yourself from your computer desk right this second and go make yourself a healthy meal. Go sit outside and savor every morsel. Hell, eat whatever you want, as long as you eat! I WILL be checking up on you now...make no mistake! Heehee. :P

Carrie said...

OKAY!! I know it's terrible, but I do just completely forget to eat and that's dumb. So, yes I would love for you to come down, but not to fuss!!! I'll eat better, I promise.

Although, the idea of you roller skating across the US makes me smile! And giggle... a lot ;P

Sweet and Salty said...

You tell her, Amber!
Tell you what, just bike over to Tennessee and I'll drive you the rest of the way. I'll hold her down and your stuff so broccoli down her throat.
Will you take care of yourself? You'll get sick if you don't and we'll all be sad...

Carrie said...

I swear, I could just hug all of you. Thank you so much for your concern for my eating/health/safety. And, just so you know, I'm eating as I type this!

Thanks for the support. It's something so simple but I apparently need the help. All your comments have kept it in my mind today and made me focus on eating. Thanks, guys, really my appreciation doesn't come through in a blog comment as much as I feel it.

RedNeckGirl said...

forgetting to eat? what is that...lol seriously skipping meals isn't healthy and I see you have a lot of people that wouldn't be too happy if you took ill. I only live a few hrs from pavel so don't make us come down there....LMAO! ~HUGS~