I just sold TWO pieces within an hour. HOW COMPLETELY AWESOME IS THAT?? I sold the Off the Record necklace (look one post down) and the Raw and Radiant cuff that I made this summer. I also had one of the buyers tell me I should charge way more than I do for my pieces. She's not the first one to say that, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to up pricing. You know? Hell, I don't know. Having lower prices may seem like the work isn't worth it, but having higher prices may seem like I think too much of myself.
I didn't mean to get mired down in that. I'm happy dancin' and packaging and mailing 2 pieces!! WOOOO!
Everybody dance!!!
I'm dancing with you girl! :)
i'll be dancin' in that cuff soon! w00t! :)
Congrats girl!!! :0) You should think highly of yourself! Not just anyone can do this stuff- you guys who can are definitely special! :0)
OH! Dewy!!! I like! I LIKE!!!
All right! Pinky, my friend, I always knew you would be a famous artist one day.
Congrats on selling the 2 pieces!!!
Congrats! Dancing a dance for you right now!
YAY! Congrats Pinky, that's awesome news. :)
Great news! But ( *warning* here comes the life coach) what if you DID think that higly of yourself and pricing followed suit...what if you thought so much of yourself, that you did not care what other's thoughts of you were, and they did not reflect in your thinking about the real you? What if you just do it, and then find out who you are on the other side of the tar pits?
I know (from experience) you would find that people value who you are, and the quality of your work, and the price is just a point of sale issue, not an in your head issue about what or who you think you are or what you think of yourself...what if, just for today you didn't care what people you don't know, think of you, and you go with your gut? If your customers are telling you that you should charge more, your paying clients, then don't you think it might be a good idea to listen to Them? You are leaving money on the table for what reasn again?!...so noone thinks you think too much of yourself?
I think you could value yourself more, and your great work too, by rearranging the prerseptions of how you are seeing a bunch of people who may or may not buy your work at all, and do not know you in any case...I know you, I've been yeeling at you to raise your prices for months...I know you are worth it....
Listen, I would not have made it into the freaking hard ass world of art, if I didn't value my own work & talents, and price it accordingly...well... you should know, you spent a crap load of your own money on my work...what's the value now? To you, could you replace the feelings you get from living with my work, with a dollar sign...today? Me thinks not...value yourself, and others will too.
All my love,
Being the proud owner of some of your beautiful pieces - charge what you like. People will buy because they love the work, not because of the price.
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