
This is what it looks like at my house today.


Mrs.Kwitty said...

Yikes! Looks like you better batten down the hatches! Take care.

Bare said...

Ugh! And it's headed up my way :0(

Carrie said...

Well, if it makes you guys feel better, the sun is out. No lie. All bright and shiny now. Stupid weather.

X said...

Icky.....glad it didn't last too long! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad pinky....we had rain all day here too. You're lucky though because we didn't get any sun. I'm jealous now ;)


Swampwitch said...

As they say in Colorado, if you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes and it will change.
Glad the sun was shining.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looked nasty on radar. Glad reality is better!
