
It's a UFO!!

Cynthia wrote a cool post about unfinished projects and it got me thinking about one. I started this in response to a post that Redneck Girl had written about beauty. She gets worried, like a lot of us, about our outer beauty. This necklace is in repsonse to that concern, that worry, that care. Let me know what you think. Evening!


Anonymous said...

Cool. I want one. :p

I'm enjoying your beautifully designed blog. Keep at it! c",)

Carrie said...

DEWY!! I'm glad you agree! HUGS!

Hello Irene, nice to have a new face. If you want it, go get it girl! WOO!! COme over and visit anytime.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out! I'm glad to hear that you're finishing some of your UFOs! I have too many to count. This necklace is a gem!

Carrie said...


I did and thank you! Kisses!!

Cynthia! You're welcome and I'm glad I got somethiing finished!

Anonymous said...

There is something really cool about this piece. The silver screams elegance but the dogtag just is kinda rough around the edges. I like it :)

Anonymous said...

oops...that "silver" kinda looks like a ribbon now....lol!

Anyhow, it's still cool!

G said...

I love this necklace and it so very true.