

Look! LOOK!! Look at what the amazing Blurr sent me today!!

Isn't this the most beautiful flower arrangement you have ever seen?!? I almsot started crying on the delivery man. OH! Thank you so much! I wish I could give you a big, fat hug but this virtual one will have to do:


Anonymous said...

LOL! Wow, those DID turn out nicely. Yay!

You SOSOSOSO deserve it Pinky. Stay positive and most importantly, keep smiling!

Life is full of ups and downs and you seem to be able to handle them better than most. You truly are a role model of life. You have such a positive energy about you and you can make people excited and happy so easily.

Keep on being You and sharing that wonderful You with the humble Us. ;)

Carrie said...

Dangit, Blurr, you made me cry. THank you, again, for all you are.

RedNeckGirl said...

Those are beautiful.....almost as beautiful and wonderful as the woman who sent it and the well deserveing woman who received it! Hugs and Love to you pink....I've been super busy but I'll be back soon to read all the updates....miss ya and I'm thinking of you!

Carrie said...

Hey RG! Thank you dear! I figured that you have been busy since I haven't seen you around much. Hope that you are well!

Anonymous said...

Pinky..lovely..you do have such loving friends..its easy though, as you are such an easy person to love, I know it sounds corney but it isn't, it fits who you are, the flowers are beautiful...as is your friend Blurr. keep your spirits up, it will get better, speaking from experience, it will get better..love to you and big warm fuzzy {{{Pinky}}}, yeah I am in sappy mood, what can I say..:)

Anonymous said...

Awwwww they are seriously lovely flowers- you are a lucky girl Pinky. And Blurr you are a great friend! (((hugs))) to you both. x

X said...

That is so purty! :) Very nice of Blurr to send the love!

Carrie said...

Madd, I don't mind the sappy mood, after the flowers, I've been in one myself!!

Christine! (((HUGS!!))) Aren't they lovely? And Blurr is AWESOME!!

Hey Leftfieldgirl!! It was beyond nice for her to send them. Lucky me!! :)

Anonymous said...

Who IS this Blurr person?! I LIKE them! ;)

Heehee. :P

Anonymous said...

You rock, blurr! And you, Pinky deserve flowers like you wouldn't believe.


Carrie said...

Blurr!! What a silly girl you are! I just keep going in the kitchen looking at them and smelling them. Oh, I just adore them! HUGS!! Thank you!!! again and again!

(((Brian))) I told you that Blurr is a quick one! ;) Thank you for being so wonderful, you make my heart smile. Big, virtual *Kiss* for you!

Pavel, you are a dear one, aren't you! I SOsoSO enjoy getting to talk with you. Hope you have a good night! Smushes for Pavel~!

Anonymous said...

Blurr is a good friend! Those are beautful flowers and a beautiful gesture.

Carrie said...

Hi Cynthia! Yes, she is a very good friend, and the gesture was just humbling. How are you?

Anonymous said...

those flowers are so beatiful!!!