
For Dewy

Yes, Dewy, I do!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Pinky!!!


Your toesy's so cute
They look divine
Too bad you are taken
Our they would be mine.

Sassy Dewy :P

Carrie said...


ann said...

you guys are cracking me up....

madd said...

Pinky..so cute and Dewy is just being so sassy today..I love it!! Take care sweetie..let me know when we can get together for a chat..luv ya ((Pinky))..m

Anonymous said...

Love the toes Pinky. (((hugs)))

Carrie said...

Ann, in some ways I think you're the one that started all of this! HA!! Saucy lady!

MADD!! Doncha love a sassy Dewy?! I'll email you and let you know when we can visit. Okay?

Brian! HUGS! I love my little toes, too!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo! Someone's got a toe fetish!!!

Carrie said...

ROFL!! Pavel!! Oh, how I have missed you dear friend. Thank you for stopping by and making me laugh! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home...;)

I can't remember the rest! LOL!

Carrie said...

HA! Once you have kids, you'll know all kinds of things like that. Trust me! The only one I can't ever remember all the words to is the "Baa Baa Black Sheep" and of course, that's the one Baby Pinky wants to sing. sigh, kids!