

Okay folks, I gotta tell you something. I'm going to be absent a little bit. I'm working on house #2 and still haven't gotten house #1 finished. We have no tree, no decorations and I have not bought one sixteenth of the Christmas presents, I don't have the first card addressed and I still have to make a TON of presents!! So, what I'm saying is that even though I love you guys, I'm not going to make it through the season if I play on my computer every morning for a few hours, like I do now. Yes, it takes me that long to get through all the blogs, my Etsy and everything else. Sad, but true.

I apologize for not commenting back but I just haven't had the time. Madd, I will answer your "6 Strange Things About Me" later on this week. Hope you guys have fun!! And don't worry, I'll come back soon. I just have to get ahead of some of this stuff!!!

HUGS and bunches of love!! ~Pinky!


ann said...

Gosh, I know how you feel and I don't even do Christmas, but my son's engagement party is Sunday and I'm going to Israel the following Sunday.... so much to do, so little time.

Whatever happens Pinky, don't work too hard; still find time for some fun

lotsa luv ann xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Heya Pinky. Good luck...I TOTALLY hear you...god do I ever...lol!

Anonymous said...

Try to have fun in the process, Pinky.

Lots of Love,


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling Pinky- my to do list is as long as my arm and getting longer!
Good luck in getting it all done. x

Anonymous said...


I shall not sleep until you return. :p

love ya'

Anonymous said...

I completely understand.....I hope you have a wondermus Holiday season. Try not to work too hard! Hugs and love!

X said...

I am the queen of being MIA...so I understand. Tis the season and all that jazz ;) Fa la la la la....

Anonymous said...


It's the attack of the spam!!!!

I think you got the worst of it this week.


BarnGoddess_01 said...

pinky, if you were closer Id help you out!

anyhow,dont work too hard :)

Bare said...

Girl, I know how you feel-- take care of rt, we'll be here when ya get back *hugs*