Then he took me to this other part. It's a little creepy because you are right next to the campus, but this place is just stuck out in the woods. No one ever goes back in there, so it's full of vines and crazy looking trees. I asked him what it was and his best guess is that it used to be a water treatment facility. It looks like he's right but I can't wait to go back so that I can really explore it. Baby Pinky was with us and I don't get too crazy when she's out with me. Plus, if my hubby actually saw how dangerous I get when I'm taking pictures, well he might not be as cool with me running off anymore. heh, I don't need censorship!!
Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know what I've been up to. Other than working in house #2. We figure that we have about 3 weeks more work to do and then, it will be done!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Can you tell I'm excited? If I don't forget, I'll take my camera over there so that I can get some updated pictures. I hope that eveyone has a good day!! My Love ~ Pinky!
You be careful out in them woods. Never know who be out there doin' weird things. ;)
House almost done!!!! Guess we will all have to pitch in for a house warming gift. Let's see, what does Pinky need that she doesn't already have.
LOVE!!!!!! and SMUSHES!!!!!!
The house sounds like a promising adventure.
I enjoyed the photography~
First off, that is a magnificent snap of the it!!
Second. I can't believe your Husband found a spot for you to take pics! That is awesome! What a man! Lol. ;) It looks like such a neat place too. I'm sure you'll have fun when you go back.
As for dangerous photo taking, I SO hear you. I almost fell down a small cliff once trying to get the right angle...hahaha. I've also mused at standing in the middle of the road to get some nice street shots. Plus, there is this tree in Burlington (where I used to live) that is one of my favourite trees. I used to see it every morning on my way to work. I want to get pics of it, but it's located in the middle of an on ramp to the can I get in??! Lol!
Nice work Pinky and I can't wait to see what you've done with the new place. :) Say hi to everyone for me!
Hey, girly! Great shots! I just love old abandoned places!
Do be careful, though. Hidden dangers, holes, rocks - don't want you disappearing!
Creepy, but exciting! You rock! D :)
omg, I LOVE the last picture of the tree!
that is great news about the house. Im looking forward to the pictures of it.
Pinky...miss miss miss you..I am so crazed as well..I think things will be better after this week..hopefully we can talk soon..need to catch up..great pictures I love the ya..m
Hello! Sorry for the general repsonses, I've just been so busy. Don't worry about me falling into a hole or landing on a rusty piece of metal, I'll be safe. Promise!!
I'm taking my camera tomorrow to take update pictures, but be forewarned! the house is a wreck right now.
Glad all of you like the photos, I hope to be able to whittle away some time to do some jewelry and more photography.
SMUSHES and love to everyone!!!
These are too cool!
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