
A Post I Have Been Putting Off

Mainly because it's a touchy subject, but it just keeps popping up into my brain! So I guess that means I need to address it even if I don't really want to. Fine. I have to lose weight. At least 30 pounds. According to the CDC's body mass index calculator, I am obese. That little fact alone could make me lay in the bed and cry for a few hours, then beat myself up every time I walk by a mirror. IF, I let it. But I try really hard not to, what can I say? Some days are better than others.

The truth is, I don't really think I look bad. I know I don't look like I did a few years ago, but who the hell does? (no man answer that question!) What I mean is that I have clothes that I look good in, that make me feel sexy. I don't feel obese, sure I have some extra padding, but not obese. I have spent half of my life being very active so I always weighed more than everybody thought because of muscle mass. Well, I don't have as much muscle, but I have as much mass. heh. I really don't care about losing the weight, but I don't have much of a choice.

Not much of a choice? How's that?? Easy, it's called my knees. After all my knee surgeries, I had a lot of restrictions put on me. Some of them I listened to, some of them I didn't. But there is one that I can't get away from or my knees let me know that I've done something wrong and that's gain weight. I'm not supposed to weigh over 155, that's my max, that's what my knees can handle without causing more damage and pretty constant pain. I haven't weighed that in quite a few years.

So how do you go about losing weight when you aren't motivated to do so but medically have to get it done? No, really I'm asking a question here, I don't know. I'm okay with the way I look. But, I'm not okay with the fact that my knees hurt me all the time. ALL the time. Stairs? I don't even want to think about it. If anyone has any input, please let me know. I need ideas and I need help because if I keep carrying this weight, it's really going to damage my knees. I don't know about some of you, but I like being able to walk on my own.



Anonymous said...

OMG, I can help...and certainly not because I think you need it. I think you look fantastic!

BUT, if you are pain etc as you have mentioned, you don't really have a choice. I have lots of health stuff I can share with you that my family and I have been using for quite some time. It sucks at first..oh god it sucks, but you can eat as much as you want and just shed pounds without even feeling like it. It's nuts. BUT, you have to like veggies and nuts etc, and be willing to cut down drastically on white breads and pasta etc.

I will reply more via email later...I'm late for work, but I just had to post a comment!

Anonymous said...

OH! And I love you Pinky! Don't get down on yourself. Hugs!

BarnGoddess_01 said...

I think the BMI says everyone is obese!

sometimes I wished I lived alone, then Id only have Lean Cuisine Meals in my house to eat. No fast foods where I live (30+minutes away) Id lose weight real fast!

Good Luck!

p.s. I did find that when I cut my Coca-cola intake in half, I lost weight.

julatkinson said...

Dude, I swear by Weight Watchers. (Well, WW and not talking to my mom, but that's a completely different issue. ;P) After years of struggling with my weight it's easy and doesn't seem like work or depravation. Those are my $0.02. :)

I thought you looked fantastic when I saw you last, but I totally understand the need to save your knees. My knees were one of the many reasons I started this ole journey.

Good luck, chica! I have no doubt that you can accomplish anything you want. :)

::much love::

Sweet and Salty said...

Well, I think you're beautiful, both inside AND out, and I'm glad you feel beautiful, but gotta protect the knees.

I do wish I had advice for you but I'm the world's worst unhealthy eater so I couldn't possibly be of help. It sounds like Amber has some good tips headed your way, and I've heard from more than one person that agrees with what Barngoddess has to say; they've dropped sodas, or have gone on only diet soda, and they've lost weight on just that alone.

Take care of yourself, my friend. That way we can walk around Gatinburg the next time you're in the area.

RedNeckGirl said...

Pinky I think you are beautiful the way you are but I understand the need to feel better. DON'T listen to that body mass calculator it is the devil! I am with NJ I loooooooove Weight Watchers.....you can have whatever you want as long as you count the points. Another good thing is that you don't have to do a lot of strenuous exercise to lose weight. The meeting help to motivate me.....hearing other people's struggles and achievements keeps me on track. Good luck with whatever you decide to do and I think you are wondermus just the way you are!!!! HUGS and LOVE!

Pange said...

I feel the same way! I want to lose weight for the health benefits rather than for adjusting the way I look. The BMI calculator also says I'm obese though I think it's not a very good indication of health. Good luck with it!

Thank you for linking me in your side bar by the way! =D

Cynthia said...

Hmmm, I've been 15-20# heavier ever since I had my daughter 9 years ago. It was worse, but then I found out that I was hypo-thyroid and am now medicated. Make sure you get a physical to rule out any medical issues.

I exercise now, but don't watch my food intake because I hate dieting. The exercise helps me mentally and physically. When my clothing does start getting tight, I follow Weight Watchers, a very sensible portion control diet. After my daughter was born, I lost all of my baby weight gain with the Atkin's diet which was really easy to follow, but I was getting cramps in my legs all the time from the lack of carbs. As soon as I went of Atkins, I was back 15-20# where I have remained since. I think it's my new set point and like you, I'm okay with that.

Good luck with your efforts!

Anonymous said...

It's great that you know you don't need to lose weight from a "appearance" point of view. Too many people get hung up on being just the right weight to look more attractive to others.

But your knees are so important. I don't really have any advice on diet as I'm sure you already cook good nutritious meals for the Pinky family. I'm not a fan of diets that say you have to cut core food groups out of your diet but they might provide a kick start to your weight loss, just don't rely on them longer term.

Exercise more if you can? Although you'll have to be careful with your knees obviously. I love walking so I'm doing a 26 mile charity walk in May as motivation to get fit. Maybe there's a goal you could set like that which could help with increasing your exercise?

I'll stop babbling on now! HUGS as always!

Bare said...

If you're obese, then I'm Jabba The Hut. I'm telling you, I don't listen to what "they" say is healthy for me. I've lost over 100lbs, and am still obese, so I feel you.

BUT slimming down, when you're not motivated to, it's hell, I know all too well. Just take it one day at a time.


Carrie said...

Thank you all so very much for your words of encouragement! TamiD and I went to a place today that is designed for women and we both felt VERY happy when we left. Now, we just have to come up with the money and off the pounds go!!

HUGS to all of you. You have NO idea how much your support means to me. Losing weight is a bitch and to know that I have this kind of support makes it easier to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! ::kisses::

Anonymous said...


I hope you do find a way to succeed. Pain is no fun. It may not be mine, but I still feel it.



Carrie said...

Thank you , Rose!! HUGS

Meow Meow said...

What about swimming? It would be low impact and maybe fun?

I am not one to be able to help you lose weight. I have seriously thought about lapband surgery....

Ya know SEX is the best way to burn calories...it can be fun*wink*

Carrie said...

Rebecca, swimming is high on the list, but there are 2 problems with that. I don't really know how to swim and there isn't really a place for me to go. Slightly embarrassing, but true!

I keep telling my hubby about the sex burning calories, but I don't think he's buying it! HA!! and HUGS to you!

Anonymous said...

You're pretty sneaky there Girlfriend. Don't think I didn't notice those new earrings in your shop.

Evil. :P

Mrs.Kwitty said...

ySuch a drag Pinky!! You look great-- but the dam knees! I have very bad knees so I can feel your pain, hon. I am also overweight, I used to walk all over the place (usually about 3 miles a day or more) but it has gotten too painful for me, so I had to stop--and the fat started piling on! AHHHRRRHHRRR! Such a viscious cycle. I don't really have any advice for you, but don't let it affect your self esteem--you are a beautiful person!

ann said...

oh my goodness you and me both.... I'm bewailing all the time that I look like a beached whale and everyday I say I will do something, today's the day...

I don't even think I look good either... I've had to buy the next size this winter... grrrr.... and I've got my son's wedding coming up, yet still I lack motivation.

you have my sympathy, my empathy, but FAT lot of good am I to be giving advice. boo hoo

ann said...

p.s. of course just had to calculate mine... well that certainly gives me the message. A year ago I was in normal weight... uh oh, not this year. I knew it anyway, so why did I have to go and confirm it... I am overweight... collapsing in a heap and crying and stuffing my face with chocolate to ease the pain...

robkroese said...

I've got nothing. Although reading Fast Food Nation might help.