
I've Been Tagged!! TWICE!!

Amber tagged me for a MeMe and then she tagged me to show off my studio. I feel obliged to finally get up off my tush and answer her. HUGS, Amber!! First up, my studio, a.k.a. "The Hovel". It's a small, unfinished (big surprise there) room off the kitchen. It's tiny, but it's mine!

I have SO many more photos to put up, but I don't have enough frames, or the right ones, so they sit in protective places until I can get them to their home. Much like Amber, I have a sewing machine still in the box, too!! Just begging to be used. The big pink thing was a shoe organizer for Miss Pinky, but it works soooo much better as a tool organizer for me! Now, on to the MeMe!!

1. I can cross just one eye if I want to. I can do it on both eyes and do it fast so that sometimes my eyes end up going in opposite directions!

2. I have a horrible, and probably irrational, fear of roaches. Seriously. I'm not kidding at all about this. The freak me the $&^# OUT!

3. After all the knee surgeries, I STILL wish that they had made me bionic. How cool would that be???

4. I hate the way glass glasses smell when they come out of the dishwasher. I don't even own glass glasses because I hate it so bad.

5. I play a hand held Solitaire game every night before I go to bed. For the last seven years.

Whew! That was hard!! I've done so many other MeMe's, I thought I was out of things to spill. Guess not! So who's next?? I tag: Rebecca, Mrs. Kwitty, Pavel and G!! Start spilling!!


Anonymous said...

Ha! The whole post is awesome. I LOVE your work station and it's inspired me to get more tools! You have tones! And you said *I* was organized....please, you are WAY ahead of me! That shoe organizer is PERFECT...I'm getting one ASAP! :)

Glass glasses smell when they come out of the dishwasher?! I've never noticed that...LOL!

And I totally hear you on the roach thing. I won't even go near them when they are encased in glass at the zoo. I can hardly stand to look at them...gah!!!

Anonymous said...


I can't believe that you make such incredible stuff in such a teeny-weeny space.

If you don't have glasses, what do you drink out of? Bowls?

Anonymous said...

I love seeing other people's creative spaces. Yours is pretty walled in there but it looks like you've made the most of what you've got.

Anonymous said...

Hey I just noticed Tully the Tree Sprite! He looks so comfy and right at home. :)

RedNeckGirl said...

So that's where the magic happens! Great studio...so organized. I love the shoe organizer idea, may have to use that for my kiddos and their craft stuff!

btw- I am sooooooo with you on the roaches......eek they freak me out too!!!!

Miss ya! HUGS AND LOVE to you!

BarnGoddess_01 said...

ewww cockroaches! They freak me out too!!!!!

I had never seen one until I was 21 yo and living in Oklahoma.


pretty nice corner you have to work in :) your lucky

Carrie said...

Hey everyone!! I'm just stopping in on my lunch break!!HA! Glad you like me little space, wait till you see the one in the NEW house!! OMG! It's going to be HUGE! WOOOO!!

Sweet and Salty said...

Wow!!! That was so cool, looking at your "create" place. I especially loved all the things hanging from the wall! Very cool! Like RedNeckGirl said, "so that's where the magic happens."

Carrie said...

Hey Pavel!! Yep, that's where it all goes down. I didn't show you guys the shipping station because it is a MESS! HA!! HUGS and hope you are well!!

madd said...

I love it..I am so glad to feel you feeling better..lol did that make sense..oh well you know what I mean..:) love you lots..m