
I'm Alive!!

I'm still working on house #2, but it's the very end! Last little bit of painting and I'm already moving stuff in. Well, I'm moving my art in, not heavy crap. Hubby hurt his back so we might have to wait a little before the heavy crap gets moved.

I've been busy with my shop and as you all know, I surpassed my Etsy birthday goal of selling 100 pieces. I've sold 103 to date and looking to sell some more. I have some new designs and some really pretty stones that I have been working with. Like this!

It's turquoise and red jasper. I'm happy with this little bugger! Click the picture if you want to go see more shots of it.

Not much else has been going on. School for Miss Pinky, work out, paint, jewelry, dinner, bath, sleep. That's about it! Sad in a way. OH! At the last weigh day, I lost 2 pounds, one of which was pure body fat, and another 9.5 inches! That means I've lost 22 inches total!!!!! I lost 2 inches off each thigh and as most of you ladies know, that kicks ass. TamiD and I are doing a Splenda 6 week challenge and even though I don't care about winning the prize, I do care about finishing the challenge.

We got our new fridge and I love it!!! It's purty. I'm going to try to start catching up with everyone and blogging more often. I miss it. I miss everyone. :( But for now, I've got to get in the shower and go to sleep! I have another day of standing on a ladder tomorrow!!

HUGS-N-Much Luv to all of you!! ~ Pinky!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on all your sales, you're doing so well! Hope the rest of your move goes well and hubby's back is ok soon. Congrats too on your inch & weight loss, well done :)

FelineFrisky said...

Girl, that is an awesome piece of jewelry! (Remember what I said b4! Don't cheat yourself!)

Congrats on the house! How very exciting! and a NEW fridge! WooHoo!!

So sorry 'bout Mr. Pinky. I could say something sarcastic, like - he'll be watching all the work go on from the sidelines, like most men do, but I will be good - HA!!! (Did I say that???)

Love, smiles & lotsa hugs! D :)

FelineFrisky said...

OMG!! BTW - Congrats on the los of inches! I am SO happy for you!

(You sexy thang, you!) Go get 'em! D :)

Anonymous said...


YOU ROCK!!!!! Nice stone you got there. ;)

Love that you are almost moved and that your sexy, hot body is getting even better. Love you. :)



Carol Dean Sharpe said...

And just how was that back injured?? ;)

For when you have a moment or two, you've been tagged: The rules

Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself
People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog
Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names
Don't forget to leave them a comment to tell them they
have been tagged and to read your blog.

RedNeckGirl said...

Golly, sounds like you've been busy.....but aren't you always :)

Congrats on your sales and weight/inches loss!

Hope Mr. Pink's back is better soon!

Miss you girlie! Hugs and Love!

G said...

Nice color comination on the bracelet. Wow, you're getting beyond svelte and an inspiration, I might add.

Your husband's timing is a bit suspicous (I'm teasing PinkyHubby, Im' teasing).

Good luck with it all.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been very busy! congrats on the weight loss :)

ann said...

oh dear... d-i-e-t

I so need to lose weight... how are you doing it? I'm like a beached whale I wanna cry... boo hoo

I'm really excited about your new house...

I need some red dangly earrings; the ones I bought I gave to my daughters in law

hint hint...

take care of yourself, oh and him, poor lamb

Carrie said...

Hey everyone! Thank you for all your congrats and well wishes. Hopefully, I'm going to start moving stuff this weekend. We'll see!!