
this is just dumb

click here to see what i'm talking about. i get that smoking is bad for you. i get that they want a cleaner environment. here's the problem. in case none of you know where the hell starkville, mississippi is, let me enlighten you. it's located in the northeast central part of the state and is home to Mississippi State University.
do you know what we have in starkville?? hmmmmm???
that's it folks. we have a little bit of art, a little bit of music, but not much else. for god's sake, at least let the people smoke.


angc said...

As a former resident of MS. I gotta agree with you. Quotes from an actual fictional resident of MS "For God's sake, unlike the vast majority of the population that moved up North or to Hot-lanta for actual job opportunities, I chose to live in MS and continue pay my taxes. The least you can do is let me smoke!"
Maybe they can outlaw alcohol in bars next, or loud music, or skanky bar rats, or obnoxious guys.

Carrie said...

WAHOO! another miss residnet who understands my plight. they keep saying that it won't hurt the bars' revenue, but i highly doubt that.

like i said, it's just stoopid.

Chloe' Gardner said...

Preach on Sister! Let the people smoke!!!! ;o)

Heather said...

I agree!!! Stooopid....I mean if they don't want people to smoke...then make them illegal like pot, or nasel decongestent for God's sake! That'll make everyone get healthy...oh and while they are at it, they might as well burn down all the fast food places, coz they cause cancer, obesity, liver failure, diabetes, high blood pressure...but that's ok just as long as you don't smoke!
I agree...they need to get a grip. They have already outlawed it here in Portland, OR...you can't smoke at a outdoor Tri-met bus stop anymore...it might bother someone...Sheesh!
What's next?