first and foremost, thanks to everyone that has been concerned about me this week. usually i would blow off concern like that as being needless, but i needed it this week. thanks, guys, it really means a lot.
tuesday afternoon we got the billing sheet in for the grant!! awesome, right? yes, but major stress inducing for me. my big boss got on the phone and called the attorney general and POOF! we magically got our billing sheet. hmmmm? wonder how that happened.... anyway, i stayed at work supremely late to try and compile three months worth of data in one sitting so that i could send in our reimbursement sheet. not fun. and in the midst of doing that, i discovered that i was missing VITAL information. (this is where i shake my fist in anger at the universe and scream "damn you, damn you all!!!") so i had to put off finishing it until wednesday.
wednesday arrives and i am ready for the world! i get on the phone and call all the right people to get my missing information. and then i wait. and wait. and wait. while i'm waiting not so patiently, my boss is calling me constantly asking me if i have the grant paperwork done yet. finally i get the right stuff and off i go, filling in all the numbers and data so i can get it signed so we can get roughly seventy-five thousand dollars. but wait!! the man that has to sign it is out of town!! this causes more fist shaking. but at least my end is done and the paperwork is just waiting to be signed. on my way back from dropping off said papers, a known drug dealer is leaving his apartment in a giant U-Haul truck. not good. he was just indicted for felony drug sales and now he's trying to skip town. so, i call one of the agents and pass it along. then i get a call back to go find a warrant on the dealer, get in my car and call the agent back. i did and he informs me where to go to meet him. okay, no big deal, right? wrong! i roll up on a scene with about 6 cops, the U-Haul truck and the drug dealer. in five o'clock traffic. my boss never said "hey, we pulled him over and you're bringing the warrant to take his ass down." i was a little bit in awe, but damn was it cool. getting to be on the scene, locking up bad guys! WOOHOO!!
thursday: paperwork is signed and approved!! yeah, now to get it in the mail. but wait? what is this? my boss wants me to take it to the Department of Public Safety, personally?? um, okay but it's a two-hour drive. so i got the option of taking his car or taking my own, either way, i was going. i was pretty cool with that since i needed a break and i got to see my brother. hello brother!! turned the stuff in and was told that there was a holdup in accounting (yes, i've already heard this) and that they couldn't cut us a check just yet. so after all the hell i went through, we still have no money. i'm ready to puke. i call my boss and break the news. he was mad but pulled some strings and got us enough money donated by the county to float us. i don't even want to know what he did for that. i don't care, i'm still employed and that's all that matters.
today: slow day at the start, but then it ended with finding a meth lab, helping in a foot pursuit and dealing with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. today was nuts but cool. and my husband would shoot me if he knew that i helped catch a purse snatcher today. remember folks, i'm still just a civilian!!
oh and did i mention that during all of this we are moving to a new office, having grand jury in one county, circuit court in another county, i received a court subpoena, my husband's rental house is being vacated (early) and my ex-husband moved back to michigan? oh, yeah, i started my period, too. i'm so glad this week is over. (big, fat sigh of relief...)