Here's a picture that I snapped of me the other day that turned out pretty well. I look a little smart mouthed in it, so it's par for the course.
Against my better judgement, here is a picture of the ever growing belly. It's getting to be obscene seeing as I took this picture about a week ago.
Can you believe I'm only 4 1/2 months along? Sheesh! I would blame the belly to me gaining a lot of weight, but I've only gained about a pound and a half, so it's all bebe in there. It's going to be a big one! We were supposed to be getting an ultrasound on the 8th, but there was a schedule conflict and now we can't go until the 21st! GAH! I had gotten to the point that I didn't really want to know what the baby is, but Hubs can't take the suspense. Now that we have to wait even longer, well I think it's going to be a long May.
Speaking of May, we have a LOT going on. My cousin is having a baby, it's graduation at the university here, Mother's Day, my birthday (not te mention the birthday of at least 3 other family members), Miss Pinky has a dance recital and then school gets out on the 22nd! And my friend and I are planning a shopping trip to get more baby stuff and buy all the supplies for baby showers. We're not waiting to the end to have the shower, that way we all can still enjoy it. I hope to keep posting on a semi-regular basis, but you never know. OH WAIT!! I sold something out of my Etsy shop! Cool huh? I thought so, too.
Well, I have got to get dressed. I ditched work yesterday and played with my friend. Hope all is well and I will check other blogs soon!
Hugs and Love
Can you believe I'm only 4 1/2 months along? Sheesh! I would blame the belly to me gaining a lot of weight, but I've only gained about a pound and a half, so it's all bebe in there. It's going to be a big one! We were supposed to be getting an ultrasound on the 8th, but there was a schedule conflict and now we can't go until the 21st! GAH! I had gotten to the point that I didn't really want to know what the baby is, but Hubs can't take the suspense. Now that we have to wait even longer, well I think it's going to be a long May.
Speaking of May, we have a LOT going on. My cousin is having a baby, it's graduation at the university here, Mother's Day, my birthday (not te mention the birthday of at least 3 other family members), Miss Pinky has a dance recital and then school gets out on the 22nd! And my friend and I are planning a shopping trip to get more baby stuff and buy all the supplies for baby showers. We're not waiting to the end to have the shower, that way we all can still enjoy it. I hope to keep posting on a semi-regular basis, but you never know. OH WAIT!! I sold something out of my Etsy shop! Cool huh? I thought so, too.
Well, I have got to get dressed. I ditched work yesterday and played with my friend. Hope all is well and I will check other blogs soon!
Hugs and Love