
I'm allergic to my husband

Oh, if only that statement weren't true, but it is. I've been having some serious allergy attacks lately and I chalked it up to the weather. That turned out to be false. Then I thought maybe I was just getting into the wrong kind of dust, or whatever. Nope, not it either. Went all day yesterday around town, another town, in and out of the car, hot and cold, stores with lots of smelly crap in them and nothing. Not one sneeze. Hubs gets home and I'm around him maybe 30 minutes when I start to sneeze. My eyes itch, my throat itches and before I know it, I can't breathe through my nose and I've got snot running and water pouring out of my eyes. Cute picture, huh? Whatever he gets into at work every day seems to really set me off. Any ideas on what to do when it's your husband that's making you sick? (that sentence is funny in sooooo many ways!)

Here's a picture that I snapped of me the other day that turned out pretty well. I look a little smart mouthed in it, so it's par for the course.

Against my better judgement, here is a picture of the ever growing belly. It's getting to be obscene seeing as I took this picture about a week ago.

Can you believe I'm only 4 1/2 months along? Sheesh! I would blame the belly to me gaining a lot of weight, but I've only gained about a pound and a half, so it's all bebe in there. It's going to be a big one! We were supposed to be getting an ultrasound on the 8th, but there was a schedule conflict and now we can't go until the 21st! GAH! I had gotten to the point that I didn't really want to know what the baby is, but Hubs can't take the suspense. Now that we have to wait even longer, well I think it's going to be a long May.

Speaking of May, we have a LOT going on. My cousin is having a baby, it's graduation at the university here, Mother's Day, my birthday (not te mention the birthday of at least 3 other family members), Miss Pinky has a dance recital and then school gets out on the 22nd! And my friend and I are planning a shopping trip to get more baby stuff and buy all the supplies for baby showers. We're not waiting to the end to have the shower, that way we all can still enjoy it. I hope to keep posting on a semi-regular basis, but you never know. OH WAIT!! I sold something out of my Etsy shop! Cool huh? I thought so, too.

Well, I have got to get dressed. I ditched work yesterday and played with my friend. Hope all is well and I will check other blogs soon!
Hugs and Love


Innocent Pink

Innocent Pink
Originally uploaded by Pinky's Inspiration
A brand new necklace that will be showing up in my shop tomorrow. I have new earrings listed, too! I got all the work done that I needed to, but I'm still worn out. I didn't go to work today because I knew it would be crazy. I'm hoping to maybe get in a little baby shopping. I had a dream the other night that I had the baby, but we didn't have any clothes, diapers, ANYTHING, so it kinda freaked me out. We don't really have anything, so I'm going to go try to get a few things.

I go to the doctor on Thursday to have AFP testing done and then 2 weeks after that, we are going to try to find out the sex of the baby. Me? I don't really want to know, but Hubs is not one for surprises, so we're going to see if we can find out. I reminded him that the baby could be shy and not let us see!! I just want healthy.

Okay, I better scoot while I can. I hope that you all are doing well and I will chat at you soon!!

Hugs and Love,


Too Much To Do

It's the dreaded April 15th!! But, luckily, we have all personal and business related taxes complete. Good for us. But, I still feel like I have too much to do today. I didn't go to work yesterday, so all that falls on today! I need a shower, I need to do Miss Pinky's laundry, I need to clean the kitchen, I need to order frames, I need to finish the schedule, I need to fuss at people about payment. You see what I'm talking about? It starts out innocent, like needing a shower, then in spirals into all kinds of crap! But, it all hinges on the shower. You can't tackle a day like today being dirty!

In other news, I'm working on a painting that I hope turns out like I want. I really do. It's been a while since all the pieces fell together in my head to create something cool. My brother wrote a short story called Chopping Tulips and it's the source of the inspiration. Read it if you have the time, it's consuming. I had a picture in my head of something that I wanted to paint, but it wouldn't come together. After reading the story, it clicked. A very LOUD click. It's one of those painting that is going to be messy, but a great release.

As I said earlier, I have to get a shower, so I better get my butt in gear. sigh. I just don't want to! But, I have to. Hugs, love and all that jazz.



It's Friday!

Etsy finally got their servers calmed down, so I've been able to add to my shop all week. I've only been adding one thing a day, so I don't have much in there, yet! I have a few more sewn pieces that I would like to get done, but you never know. I tried to get a shot of my now pooching out belly! I'm starting to show a lot. I am over 4 months, so I guess it's time. My dad picked up the crib for me and is bringing it over this weekend so that I can start putting the baby's room together.

We moved Miss Pinky into the guest bedroom, which is MUCH larger, so now she can have all kinds of space to grow, have slumber parties, things like that. She gave up her room so she could sleep in the giant cannon ball bed. I don't blame her! OH! Proud Mommy moment!!! Miss Pinky won the reading challenge in her class! She read 1,673 pages!! Can you believe that?!? She got a new book, a new bookmark, a coupon to the movies, a certificate AND a little plaque that says "Outstanding Reader Award"! There was a LOT of screaming and jumping around in our house! The same day, I got a letter from the school saying that she passed two or more of the requirements to be considered for advanced education! WOOO! She's already reading on nearly a 3rd grade level and is doing fractions like it's nothing! I asked her if she wanted to be tested to go into the advance placement program and she was all about it! I'm SOOSOOSOSOSOSSSOOOO proud of her!!! I bet you never guessed that!

Work has been going well, but I've been working too much. Last night was rough! My dad, my husband, my friends have all fussed at me for doing so much, but if I don't get these new employees trained right, then I'm going to have to work hard to fix the mistakes. I don't need that stress in my life. They are both doing well, but it's a lot to learn, so it can be overwhelming. I think that they will do great once they really get the hang of it. They both seem to enjoy it, so that's good.

This is the crib set I found yesterday! At K-Mart!! I'd been looking for something neutral, in case we decide we don't want to know what the baby is. The colors are a little richer than they are in this photo. Lots of aqua blues and cool greens. Plus, the ark is made from soft, fine wale corduroy, the animals are made from plushy fabric! Lots of different feels for the baby. And, let's face it, it has monkey's on it. How could I resist the monkey's?? Oh, and the 4 piece set was only 50 bucks! WOW!

Well, I guess that's about it. I'm going to try to get in some house work before I scoot off to work. I have to do payroll today, so I better not be late! The staff gets a little grumpy if I'm late with the checks. Wonder why? HA! I hope you all have a fantastic day and if I don't get on here again before the weekend is done, have a good one there, too.




So, today is the day of the Grand Re-Opening of my Pinky shop! Excitement? Well, there would be if it weren't buried under frustration!! For some reason, Etsy is not wanting to stay online. It keeps timing out so I've only got two listings up and those are just new shots of older work. I also don't have time to keep fooling with it, I have to jump in the shower and get to work!

Speaking of, I did find two absolutely wonderful people and I'm hoping they will work out okay. I'm glad I had two spots open, because I don't know if I could have decided between them. Excellent references, great work history and they had the perfect personality to be working at the shop! YAY!!

Well, the shop is open, and I will be adding more stuff to it soon. Sorry for the delay, I hope Etsy is up and running smoothly this afternoon!



Getting Ready

I've got a ton going on today. I think I've lined up 5 interviews today! What was I thinking?? I've got one girl who will be leaving next week and one that will be gone at the end of the month. Sigh, the joys of running a business.

What I think is funny is how loose people get in the mouth. A friend of mine was shopping in a local store when she overheard one of the girls saying she was going to interview at my frame shop. So, naturally, my friend listened closely. She talked about if she got the job she was soooooo outta there (talking about her current employment). She also gabbed on about her current boss and how crappy the work was. All the while sitting on a stool and not asking my friend if she needed help with her purchases. Living in a small town has it's advantages. I almost asked my friend if she wanted me to come to the store and shop, too, but didn't. OH! But wouldn't that have been grand! I wouldn't have told that girl who I was and just SURPRISE at the interview. People never cease to amaze me.

In other work related news, I have my new shop banner up! Here is what it looks like:

I know, that's a little small, but you get the idea. I dropped the "wearable" out of it and just made it into "Handmade Art". I talked to hubs about my shop because I got worried that I was going to diversify too much. He said, "if you could only make jewelry, then yeah, it would be too much. But you can do all kinds of stuff and I think you should show that." I felt better.

Well, I have to get dressed. I need to get my butt to the store and start doing interviews!! Hope you all have a happy day!